Designed for advanced undergraduate students, Physical Properties of Materials, Second Edition establishes the principles that control the optical, thermal, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of materials. Using an atomic and molecular approach, this introduction to materials science offers students a wide-ranging survey of the field and a basis to understand future materials. The author incorporates comments on applications of materials science, extensive references to the contemporary and classic literature, and problems at the end of each chapter. In addition, unique tutorials allow students to apply the principles to understand applications, such as photocopying, magnetic devices, fiber optics, and more.
This fully revised and updated second edition presents a discussion of materials sustainability, a description of crystalline structures, and discussion of current and recent developments, including graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, magnetocaloric effect, and spintronics. Along with a new capstone tutorial on the materials science of cymbals, this edition contains more than 60 new end-of-chapter problems, bringing the total to 300 problems.
Web Resource
The book's companion website ( provides updates to the further reading sections, links to relevant movies and podcasts for each chapter, video demonstrations, and additional problems. It also offers sources of demonstration materials for lectures and PowerPoint slides of figures from the book.
More information can be found on a recent
press release describing the book and the website.
"The second edition of a best seller, this book introduces principles of materials science from the perspective of various properties optical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical highlighting the relationships among the properties from an atomic approach. The book covers timeless principles along with exciting contemporary materials science concepts. Covering the breadth of materials science, it is ideal for a one-semester introductory class in materials chemistry or materials physics as well as for materials engineering interested in a molecular approach"--
This book stands out as a unique resource for students and established scientists working at the modern materials/chemistry/technology interface. It conveys a tremendous amount of information and distills the physics and chemistry down to an intuitive level that can be appreciated by both developing scientists as well as more established scientists looking for a teaching aid/text or a tune-up in their own knowledge. ? This new edition includes many new state-of-the-art topics that have emerged as major fields over the last decade including carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, and spintronics. ? I defy the reader to not find many gems of insightful knowledge to enhance their understanding of the physical materials world.
-Timothy M. Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
I am very impressed with the text. This text provides wonderful coverage of many of the basic properties of materials that we care about as scientists and as engineers.
-Paul C. Canfield, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, USA
Mary Anne White wrote one of the most engaging introductory texts on materials science ? Professor White has now prepared an updated version of her book adding several new sections that feature some of the seminal recent research advances and a number of the materials topics that nowadays pose important social concerns. ? this is an excellent book to base an introductory materials course on, or to read for pleasure by scientists in other fields who wish to riffle through an excellent survey of what materials science has become today.
-Martin Moskovits, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
... a concise but in-depth insight into the physical aspects of materials science ... White expertly deals with the theory of the physical properties of materials, and the book offers a succinct but comprehensive coverage of this area.
Times Higher Education
? an alternative approach to the typical introductory MSE text used in service courses for engineers. ? well written and comprehensive in its presentation ? well illustrated and contains an ample supply of challenging. but useful problems. ? there is an especially welcome text related website ?
-James A. Clum, Dept of Material:; Science and Engineering University, of Wisconsin - Madison in Journal of Materials Education, Vol. 33, (5-6), 2011