These proceedings contain the texts of 37 contributions presented at the International Conference on Engineering Optimization in an Industrial Environment, which took place on 3 - 4 September 1990 at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Hesearch Center, I~H Germany. The presentations consisted of oral and poster contributions arranged in five sessions: ¿ Shape and layout optimization ¿ Structural optimization with advanced materials ¿ Optimal designs with special structural and material beha viour ¿ Sensitivity analysis - Programme systems ¿ Optimization with stability constraints - Special problems The editors wish to express their appreciation to all authors and invited speakers for their in teresting contributions. The proceedings cover a wide range of topics in structural optimization representing the present state of the art in the fields of research and in the industrial environment as well. The editors hope that this book will also contribute towards new ideas and concepts in a world of ever decreasing natural resources and ever increasing demands for lighter and yet stronger and safer technical components. I"inally, the editors wish to thank all colleagues who helped in the organisation of the conference, especially Mrs. E. Schroder anq Dr. K.llethge, as well as Mr. A. von lIagen and Mrs. E. Haufelder, Springer Publishing Company, Heidelberg for the good cooperation and help in the publication of these proceedings.