Interesting, understandable, and practical are words that are rarely used to characterize the Minor Prophets, and it is not unusual for believers to "hurry through" when they come to them in the normal sequence of their Bible reading. For them, reading through the Minor Prophets is simply an exercise in discipline, and little, if any, positive, recognizable benefit is gained from the effort. Yet II Timothy 3:16 tells us that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." No exclusion is made for the Minor Prophets.
Studies in the Minor Prophets is written from the perspective of a pastor seeking to help his people overcome that obstacle. Historical setting, contemporary relevance, and prophetic significance are all carefully examined in each prophecy. Sensible, easy to understand outlines are included and a practical application is offered for each believer. As the study unfolds, certain truths become obvious. It is impossible to ignore God's incomprehensible holiness, His unconditional love for His people, and His eternal commitment to fulfill His promises. He hasn't changed. Though He deals with us differently, (we are, after all, on the other side of the cross), His plan and purpose have not changed. As God concluded His communication to the people of Israel for 400 years with the message of His prophet Malachi, He stated, "I am the LORD, I change not" (Malachi 3:6). Studies in the Minor Prophets reminds us of the never changing character of our sovereign God.