Located on Manhattan's Lower East Side, Golgotham has been the city's supernatural neighborhood for centuries. Populated by countless creatures from myth and legend, the neighborhood's most prominent citizens are the Kymera, a race of witches who maintain an uneasy truce with New York City's humans...
Tate Eresby has accepted the unusual sights and sounds of Golgotham and made it her home. Unfortunately, a magazine has alerted trendsetting hipsters to its existence and they've descended upon the community-along with an anti-Kymera faction known as The Sons of Adam. The sudden influx of tourists escalates racial tensions to a boiling point when two Kymerans are murdered and rioting fills the streets.
"An entertaining story that demonstrates an amazing breadth of imagination and introduces a fascinating alternate society...an intriguing introduction to an environment peopled with eccentric and memorable characters." —
NightOwlSciFi.com"Collins is especially skilled at portraying the sweaty, nervous moments when everything goes wrong and help is too far away...a very well done portrayal of a strange neighborhood amid our all-too-mundane reality." —
SFRevu.com"Nancy A. Collins has reminded me why I loved [urban fantasy] in the first place...a lot of fun." —
BSCReviews.com"[A] great beginning to what appears to be a fantastic new urban fantasy series. I look forward to reading the second story to see what the author does with this incredible and complex neighborhood." —
HuntressReviews.com"[Collins] does an excellent job of bringing Golgotham and its unusual occupants vividly to life, yet grounding the story in reality. Compelling characters and dangerous drama add up to dynamic and exciting fun!" —
Romantic Times (4 stars)