Linda A. Hunt, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is from St. Louis, Missouri and now lives in Oregon and Montana. She studies aging and directs the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology for Healthcare Professionals. In addition, she teaches a curriculum on aging and its impact on engagement in activities for occupational therapy programs at Pacific University and Chatham University. This book idea originated with Linda's love of older people, and the experiences of her mother, Bess Fine, who worked past age 70, and her aunt, Evelyn Myers, who volunteered past age 80. Both were role models for Linda. They inspired a work ethic. They taught her that engaging in work brings passion, purpose, and satisfaction to life.
Caroline Wolverson, DipCOT, DipHT, MSc, is from Yorkshire, England and is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at York St John University. She worked as an occupational therapist for 16 years in a variety of settings, and now teaches in the undergraduate occupational therapy program and masters-level Professional Health and Social Care studies. |