Composed of a series of letters between a husband and wife, ?"The Sinking of the Odradek Stadium"?is a brilliant comedy about love and longing, dashed hopes and frustrations, and trying to make connections. Newly wedded Zachary McCaltex (a librarian in Miami) and Twang Panattapam (originally from the Southeast-Asian country of Pan-Nam, but residing in Italy) try to trace the whereabouts of a treasure supposedly lost off the coast of Florida in the sixteenth century, while navigating a relationship separated by an ocean as well as their different cultures. In the end, the postal service may be responsible for what gets lost (including Zachary's sanity) along the way.
A brilliant comedy in the form of letters exchanged between a husband, living in Miami of the not-too-distant future, and a wife, living in Italy of a not-too-remote past, as they try to trace the whereabouts of a treasure supposedly lost off the coast of Florida in the 16th century.