Available For The First Time In One Volume, The Very Best Of Mathews's Short Fiction; This expertly designed original paperback presents a comprehensive collection of internationally renowned poet and novelist Harry Mathews' short prose. From the hilarious 'The Broadcast, ' in which the narrator learns from a radio program that everything he needs in life should fit into one sock, to 'Calibration of Latitude, ' which follows Sir Joseph Pernican on a meandering and seemingly aimless but deeply moving journey, this is a long-awaited addition to Mathew's beloved and masterful canon.
One of the most elegant and inventive contemporary writers, Harry Mathews has created an accomplished and diverse body of work. This volume collects the best of his short fiction, from the hilarious "The Broadcast, " in which the narrator learns from a radio program that everything he needs in life should fit into one sock, to "Calibrations of Latitude, " which follows Sir Joseph Pernican on a meandering and seemingly aimless journey (through the city and through his imagination) that in the end proves not aimless at all, but rather purposeful and deeply moving.